5 Essential Cleaning Products For Workplace Cleanliness

5 Essential Cleaning Products For Workplace Cleanliness

While we all want to live in safe and clean homes, it is also important that the workplace is clean. The workplace’s cleanliness can have a major impact on employee health. Make sure you have the right cleaning products.

We have compiled a list of 5 essential cleaning products that will make your workplace cleaner.

Floor Cleaning Equipment

It is vital to have the best floor cleaning equipment for your workplace. Consider your needs to determine if industrial cleaning, sweeping, and a mop and broom are sufficient.

A commercial vacuum will be required to effectively remove soil and dust from floors, walls, ceilings, and floors in a workplace.


High contact and high touch areas must be disinfected frequently to prevent germs from spreading throughout the workplace, ideally after each use. Light switches, keyboards and phones are all frequently used.

Disinfection products that comply with BS EN standards (BS EN 1276 and BS EN 13697), such as Clinell Universal Disinfectant spray, should be used. Importantly, disinfectants must be applied to a clean surface. They will not work if it is covered with grease or visible dirt.

Hand soaps

It is important to wash your hands frequently to keep the workplace clean and to prevent other employees from spreading germs or getting sick.

It means everyone should wash their hands regularly with soap and water and at least 20 seconds after handling food or using the bathroom. If soap and water are unavailable, they can be used as an alcohol-based hand cleaner with at least 60% alcohol.

Microfibre Cloths

Microfibre cloths can be used to clean surfaces without using harsh chemicals. Microfiber cloths have tiny hook-shaped fibres that are one/16th the thickness of human hair. This makes them more effective in picking up germs. While traditional disinfectants are effective at killing most germs, they do not eliminate them. However, microfiber cloths cannot kill germs but can remove them from various surfaces.

Microfibre cloths are a great tool to use in any workplace. They can be used to dust surfaces and remove fingerprints from monitors.


It is easy to reduce odours in the workplace and keep waste contained by ensuring properly sized bins. Bins that are too big for the space can cause odours and bacteria harbourage. Too small and your rubbish could overfill. It is best to separate your rubbish into recyclable, food and waste. You can consult your local council if you have any questions about how to separate your waste.


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