Ten Workplace Etiquette Tips for the Office

Some rules apply to all workplaces regardless of culture or norms. Remember these office etiquette rules to avoid being “that” employee.

Handshake firmly

Handshakes can make or break a first impression. You know the importance of making a good one. Use a firm but not aggressive or soft handshake. Use good body language when shaking hands. For example, stand up and make eye contact.

Dress for the occasion.

Dressing appropriately depends on the job you have. Dressing appropriately is important even if there’s no dress code at your workplace. If you work in a particularly professional environment, for example, you should dress accordingly. You can take inspiration from your coworkers and the leadership team. No matter how much casual Friday you enjoy, don’t go overboard.

Keep your mobile phone in a safe place.

Many people find it offensive to use a mobile phone in meetings. It also makes you look distracted and uncaring. As a rule, put your phone away at work. You should always step away from the desk if you need to make a call.

Keep your professionalism outside of the office.

The rules of professionalism do not end when you leave the walls of your office. Your career and those you work with can be affected by what you do when you’re not in the office. You may regret engaging in office gossip or partying over the weekend. It would be best if you always remembered that your social media posts reflect you personally and professionally.

Keep your desk clean.

Personal workspaces have become more visible than ever before as open office environments are becoming the norm. It’s important to maintain your workspace, even if it is a cubicle. Avoid making messes, especially when they involve food. Don’t forget that odors have an impact on other people. Avoid using overly scented lotions, candles, or diffusers.

Do not come to work ill.

Germs are a must-discuss in any list of office etiquette. Anti-bacterial wipes are only a temporary solution to the problem of maintaining productivity in the office. Staying home is the best thing you can do to show respect for your coworkers if you are sick and contagious. You’ll be rewarded later.

Do not call people on the weekends about work.

You may occasionally need to do some work on the weekend. Remember that not everyone is doing the same thing. Everyone is entitled to a private life. Wait until the start of the workweek to discuss work-related matters.

Respect your coworkers

Each person has a different style of working and also other concerns and personal lives outside of the workplace. All of these factors can affect how people approach their jobs and workplace relationships. Consider this when you are establishing professional relationships. Never assume what someone wants or needs. Give them some space to be themselves.

Stay professional during lunch.

Proper workplace etiquette doesn’t take a lunch break. While socializing with colleagues during your lunch break can be a great way to develop workplace relationships, it is important to maintain a professional level. Avoid taking others to lunch as a general rule. This can be a sign of favoritism and can make others feel left behind.

Attend meetings on time.

Punctuality plays a major role in proper workplace etiquette. Arrive on time for meetings and be prepared to participate. Arriving on time for a conference is an important courtesy that you can extend to your coworkers. Meetings are planned based on each invitee’s availability and priorities.

By | 2023-12-30T06:33:39+00:00 December 30th, 2023|cleaning|