Slideshow: Tips for Cleaning Your Car with Children

Slideshow: Tips for Cleaning Your Car with Children

Kids are messy, whether they’re still in the car seat or too old to go to soccer practice. But that doesn’t have to mean your car is. With a little knowledge, you can avoid messes and treat stains. Here are some tips to help you keep your car spotless with children.

Get Organized

To keep travel essentials and toys organized, hang a shoe organizer behind the driver’s chair.

Mess-free meals

Store a shower caddy inside your car so that kids can use it to eat on the road.

Keep surfaces clean

Baby wipes are a better alternative to auto wipes, which may contain harsh chemicals.

Store trash

Use a plastic container for cereal as a compact garbage can in your vehicle.

Car Seat Protection

Add a “seat-saver” or a towel under your car seat to protect it from messes.

Cover your seat

Cover your seat with a fitted bed sheet to shake off any stray French fries instead of vacuuming them up.

DIY stain remover

Mix 1 cup dish soap with 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup club soda and spray on your upholstery.

Remove odor

Place a bowl full of vinegar overnight on the car floor to remove the smell. To remove the vinegar smell, take it out in the morning. Keep doors open. Find out more ways to remove car smells.

Cleaning cup holders

Place the travel mug in the cup holder, spray with cleaner, and then twist to remove any dirt.

Car travel bags

Toys can be placed in a special bag for children to use when traveling by car.

Avoid car sickness

Children between the ages of 2 and 12 are particularly susceptible, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are ways to minimize car sickness and reduce the mess.

Have snacks for your kids

It’s best to avoid letting your kids start a long trip on an empty stomach. This can make them queasy. Sally Black, former pediatric nurse and owner of, says that a light snack or a few crackers can help reduce nausea. Ginger ale and gingersnaps are great for settling an upset stomach during the drive.

Children should be seated in the middle of the back seats.

It’s tempting to put a child in a seat near a window so that they can breathe fresh air when they need it. Black advises that it is best to place children in the middle of the vehicle whenever possible. In a minivan with three rows, the middle row is the best option because it forces the kids to look forward and toward the horizon. Looking forward at a point in the distance helps children’s brains interpret the motion sensations they are receiving from their ears and eyeballs. You want to make sure that what your child sees matches what they feel.

Playing games and watching movies are not recommended

If your child tends to get carsick, you should avoid activities such as reading, watching DVDs, or playing video games. Black says that any activity requiring close-up eye work can aggravate car sickness. You can also play 20 questions or read them trivia questions.

Prepare water

Make sure your crew is well hydrated by providing plenty of water. Keith advises avoiding acidic drinks such as orange juice. Keep ice and water in a cooler.

Rest breaks are important.

Avoid sudden, high-speed stops and starts. Make sure your children get frequent breaks to stretch their legs.

Motion sickness medication

Motion sickness medications may help. However, you should always check with your doctor first. Keith advises that even after getting the doctor’s blessing, you should still read the instructions on the packaging before buying to make sure they are age-appropriate. Some may not be suitable for children under the age of five. They may also cause drowsiness.


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