Ways To Clean Your Home Like A Pro

Ways To Clean Your Home Like A Pro

You’re in a rush to get your cleaning done so that you can enjoy the weekend. Cleaning your home with professional techniques can be done quickly, allowing you to spend more time on other things.

Better Technique

Household cleaning is such an exciting thing to do—said no one, ever. It’s essential for keeping a home tidy and healthy and can be much easier than you might think. By adopting the same techniques used by professional cleaning companies, not only will you finish the chores more quickly, the house will reach a whole new level of cleanliness. It’s all about the organization and better cleaning techniques.

Gather the Gear

You can waste a lot of time bringing a cleaning, such as a dusting cloth, to a room to dust, then putting it away and fetching a window cleaner. Rather than running back and forth, the pros shorten cleaning time by carrying a caddy filled with all the products they’ll be using, such as furniture polish, microfiber cloths, all-purpose spray cleaner, disinfectant, sponges and scrub brushes, so they don’t have to leave the room every time they need a different item. Bring a vacuum along as well.

First, use products

Tasks such as scrubbing toilets, removing hard water deposits, or cleaning away burnt-on oven spills require using cleaners that take time to dissolve the stains and gunk. Applying cleaners to these areas first—before you tackle other cleaning tasks—the chemicals will have a chance to soften and break down the stains. Just use it, and then go about your other cleaning chores. When you get back, the colors will wipe off easily, and you won’t have to spend time scrubbing.

De-clutter and then clean

When toys, books, and other items are scattered on coffee tables or floors, it’s impossible to vacuum and dust effectively. The fastest and most efficient way to clean is by first picking up all the items that don’t belong there. You’ll then have a clear path to follow for cleaning.

Establish a Pattern

Establishing a cleaning routine makes it easier to clean a room if you have ever been unsure where to begin. Gravity is a powerful force that can remove dust, crumbs, and other debris. Start at the top and work your way down. Work from left to right. It is an excellent time-saving and organization technique for bathrooms and kitchens. You can tackle the showers, sinks, counters, tubs, and floors.

Skip the mop in the bathroom

Maneuvering a mop behind the toilet or between the cabinet and the tub can be complicated. Consider wiping down the bathroom floor with a rag. This method would not work for a large kitchen floor, but it is the easiest way to sparkle the bathroom floor. If kneeling hurts your knees, then invest in some kneepads.

Dust First, Vacuum Last

Professional cleaners vacuum the last thing they do in a house, usually on their way out. So, when the homeowner returns, they will see the lines in the carpet that were just vacuumed. Dust and other debris will fall on the floor if you vacuum before you dust and straighten up. You’ll need to clean again.

Vacuum Furniture

The best way to clean upholstered furniture thoroughly is to remove cushions every time and vacuum underneath them. Use the upholstery attachment on the surface of your fabric to remove any dust.

Use microfiber on Stainless

Many appliances today are made of stainless steel. Nothing makes a kitchen shine and sparkle more than these metallic surfaces. It is possible to leave streaks on devices after wiping them down with a damp kitchen towel and then a clean, dry towel. Use a microfiber towel to remove stains from stainless steel. Then, follow up with a dry, clean microfiber towel.

Hardwood: Watch for Grain

The hardwood floor polishing and cleaning products available today can make your floors shine. However, you will get the best results by mopping or polishing in the same direction as the grain. This will help prevent the appearance of cross-grain marks when the cleaner dries. Use cleaner sparingly and clean up any excess between planks.

Bring a trash bag

While cleaning, you will need a place to dispose of trash. Before you leave the room, empty its waste bin. Carry a large trash bag with you, and open each room’s waste can into it as you move. The kitchen trash should be bagged separately and taken to the garbage can.

Vacuum your Kitchen

If you have a wand attached to your vacuum, it will do double duty in the kitchen. Vacuum the areas in drawers and cabinets that tend to collect crumbs, like the cereal shelf and the silverware drawer. While cleaning, remember to clean the shelves inside the refrigerator door.

The Best Sparkle is Scraped

Some house cleaning companies will not clean windows because they find it too difficult. But it does not have to be. While the window is still wet, professional window cleaners use a razor-blade scraper to remove any stuck gunk. Newspapers are then used to dry your glass. Your windows will look as clear and clean as when you installed them.

Bleach is a great way to disinfect sinks

Even after cleaning, sinks can still be contaminated with bacteria and germs. Fill the sink with cool, fresh water before you begin cleaning. Add liquid laundry bleach to the water at one cup per five gallons. Drain the water and let it stand for a few minutes while you tend elsewhere. Then, use an all-purpose cleaner to clean the sink. Bleach water can also be used to clean drain pipes.

Triple-line Trash Cans

Triple-lining your trash cans will save you time when taking out the garbage. When it comes time to empty the can, you only need to remove the outermost lining. You’ll have two extra liners left in the can. You can also fold up some different liners and place them in the bottom of your trash can so they are handy when you need to dump the trash.

Shower Squeegee

You can learn a trick from professionals if you have cleaned a shower only to discover hard water spots left on the glass or tile. Use a sponge to remove any visible stains after spraying the wall with a cleaning solution. Rinse the walls thoroughly afterward. Use a rubber squeegee to remove the water droplets while the tile is wet.


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