Radon Inspections – What are they, and are they necessary?

Radon Inspections – What are they, and are they necessary?

Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause cancer. Radon is invisible to the naked eye, but can be detected in your home. According to the US Surgeon General, it can cause cancer. According to the US Surgeon General, radon is currently the second most common cause of lung cancer in America. Smokers who smoke in homes with high levels of radon are at risk of developing lung cancer. Research has shown that children are more sensitive to radon. Radiation damage may be more severe in children due to their faster dividing cells and higher respiration rates.

Radon inspections are mandatory for all pre-purchase and existing home inspections in America. Why is Radon Inspection in Nashville TN so important? The problem is that basements are a key feature of American homes. The USA is known for using subfloor space as the man cave or kids play area. This contributes to the higher levels of Radon in the USA as opposed to AUS.

Subfloor rooms, particularly those that are completely underground, can attract higher levels of Radon than would be normal. This is in addition to what would normally be allowed for the Radon to dissipate to the environment. Sub-floor walls and sumps can absorb the normal Radon gases that come from the earth and build up in low lying areas like basements. This can infect the inhabitants. They dissipate from basement areas to the ground floors of homes once they have reached a certain level.

Radon levels in the US are significantly higher than those in Australia. Recent US surveys found Radon levels exceeding 4pCi/L for 1/3 of homes in 7 states. This is equivalent to 148Bqm3

Where can we find high levels Radon in Australia?

According to the Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency, (AUS Government), the average Radon concentration in more than 3300 Australian homes was 10Bqm3, which is about 1/4 of the indoor average.

The average Radon level in Australia’s homes is just a bit higher than that found in open air. These levels are considered “of minimal concern for health”

Radon levels across the eastern seaboard were highest in the Great Dividing Range (30Bqm3), with lower levels in homes near the coast plains.

According to data surveyed by the Government Radon levels are the same in natural air as in most homes. Where levels are higher than normal they were still considered not likely to cause health problems.

You might be hesitant to hire a Building Consultant if they try to convince you that a Radon Inspection is necessary for your Building Inspection.


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