cleaning products online

DIY Cleaning Products: Homemade Solutions for a Healthier Home

Keeping our homes clean and tidy is important, but it’s also essential to consider the impact of our cleaning products. Many commercial cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can jeopardise our health and the environment. Fortunately, there’s a solution! You can easily create your cleaning products at home that are healthier for your family and kinder to the planet.

Forget about those supermarket cleaning product aisles. Who needs commercial cleaners when you can make your own? Especially amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining good personal hygiene standards at home while prioritising your health has become more crucial.

Here are some homemade solutions that can work wonders while you search for new cleaning products online to order soon:

All-Purpose Cleaner

An all-purpose cleaner is a must-have in your collection of homemade solutions. You can easily create one by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar. Add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or lemon, and you’re done.

Glass Cleaner

Mix one part vinegar with four parts water in a spray bottle for an effortless glass cleaner. Spray the mixture onto windows or mirrors and wipe them down with newspaper—yes, newspaper! It might sound unusual if you’ve never tried it, but trust me. It leaves your glass streak-free.

However, we understand the challenge of cleaning greasy surfaces like kitchen counters, where regular cleaners often struggle to remove marks. But don’t worry; there are additional, less harsh solutions for all surfaces if you give them a chance:

Kitchen Cleaner

A baking soda and dish soap paste are excellent for cleaning kitchen counters. Sprinkle baking soda onto the surface and add dish soap until it forms a thick paste. Then, scrub away with an eco-friendly sponge or cloth.

Bathroom Cleaner

If you’re looking for a powerful cleaner to tackle grime in the bathroom, mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until it forms a thick paste. This paste can be used on tiles, sinks, and tubs. With antibacterial properties and the absence of bleach or harsh acids, your bathroom will be clean and free of harmful toxins.

Air Freshener

Love the fresh scent you experience when you walk into supermarkets? You don’t need to buy it; you can make it home with a few ingredients. Mix water with essential oils in a spray bottle, such as eucalyptus or peppermint. When you vacuum, give your curtains and carpets a quick spritz, and enjoy the freshness without the chemicals.

Now that we’ve provided you with some solutions let’s explore the benefits of incorporating homemade cleaning products into our lives:


Creating your DIY cleaning products saves money. Commercial cleaners can be more expensive than the budget-friendly ingredients used in homemade solutions. Homemade detergents can be made within minutes using everyday kitchen staples like vinegar, water, and baking soda—no need for added preservatives or synthetic materials.

No Harmful Chemicals

Using homemade cleaning products means avoiding dangerous chemical compounds found in commercial cleaners. Natural ingredients like white vinegar and baking soda pose no harm and are a safer alternative. The amount of toxic chemicals released into our environment by household cleaning products is substantial.

Customisable Scents

Homemade cleaning products also offer the advantage of customisable scents. You can create mixtures with essential oils, such as lavender oil mixed with vanilla extract, to add a touch of romance or other scents of your preference. This allows for personalisation while still having an eco-friendly impact.

In Conclusion

Try these easy-to-make DIY options next time you reach for your usual cleaner off the store shelf. Not only will you know exactly what’s in your cleaner, but you might even enjoy the cleaning process more! Incorporating homemade products into our lives is cost-effective, supports the environment and allows for customisable properties that cater to individual preferences. So why not give them a try? You’ll feel good knowing you’re taking steps toward a healthier planet, and have fun experimenting with different combinations!



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