Clean Using Baking Soda!

Clean Using Baking Soda!

There are three main reasons that baking soda is excellent at cleaning. It’s the first reason that it’s a potent deodorizer. It also provides moderate abrasion. And third, it’s a bleacher and a brightener. It’s the perfect combination for cleaning!

Clean a Stainless Steel Coffee Mug

When your stainless-steel mug appears and smells weird, baking soda could help you solve the issue. The face should be filled halfway with hot water, and then add one tablespoon of baking soda to the solution. The remainder of the face with hot water, and let it sit for a couple of hours or even overnight. In the morning, take an appropriate sponge or bottle brush and some dish soap giving it a thorough scrub. This can effectively remove any odors or stains that remain.

Microwave Cleaner

If you’ve experienced a sour explosion in your microwave – no judgment, as we’ve all been there. There’s an easy way to wash your mess with one cup of water inside a safe microwave bowl and two tablespoons of baking soda. It’s going to mix it thoroughly and microwave it for five minutes. When the 5 minutes are done, you can remove the bowl, use a clean cloth, and clean the interior of the microwave. The steam generated by the water will help to loosen food particles and aid in transporting tiny granules of baking soda to the edges of the microwave. This will provide gentle abrasion that helps remove the stubborn mess.

DIY Deodorizer

If you have a stinky area of your house that you want to refresh, baking soda has the answer. Use a jar or a container–an old candle jar or a can is ideal for this. Fill the container about halfway with baking soda. Then add 5-10 drops of your preferred essential oils (optional). Set the container to any unpleasant food items, and the stink will disappear! Baking soda is fantastic at neutralizing and blocking odors, and it’s tremendous to set it and forget it scenario.

Scalp Scrub

If you are a big fan of dry shampoo or frequently use styling products for your hair, you may find that after a while, your scalp is uncomfortable and may get duller. In this case, you’ll prefer a cleansing scalp treatment, and baking soda is a great solution. When you shower, add shampoo to your hands as usual, but add one tablespoon of baking soda. I like to put a small portion of baking soda in a tissue and then dump the mixture into my shampoo once the time comes to clean. I don’t wash my other hair with this treatment. I do the area of my scalp, massage it thoroughly, rinse, and condition my hair as usual. It will be apparent that your hair feels clean following the treatment. Your scalp will feel extremely clean. You’ll enjoy a fantastic hair day! I’m going to warn you about two things. Don’t do it too often. I’m talking Please don’t do it too often. at the most. If you’re using artificial coloring within your hair, you’re probably not likely to need to use baking soda in any way.

Toilet Stank

There’s no suitable method to describe this: you may have a stale toilet. If that’s the case, you have a problem, and this article will help you. If you are planning to wash your bathroom, bring one cup of baking soda with you before doing anything else. Start by removing your toilet brush and applying it to moisten both sides of your bowl. After that, you’ll liberally sprinkle baking soda over the bowl. It should be left to sit for a minimum of of 15-30 minutes to let baking soda take over — eliminate odors and solve issues, making improvements worldwide! If you’re ready to scrub the toilet to clean it, then flush it, after which you can utilize your usual toilet cleaner for one more clean. The cleaning process that you do with baking soda will assist in eliminating any odors, and regular cleaning will eliminate any leftovers and thoroughly cleanse your toilet.

Glass & Mirror Residue

Removing residue from the glass surface can be challenging with the liquid cleaner alone. The abrasion caused by baking soda can help you lift off a stubborn buildup of residue from items like toothpaste, hairspray, etc. What you’ll need to do in this instance is to dampen a microfiber cloth, then sprinkle baking soda onto it. There’s no exact amount here, but we’ll refer to it as a teaspoon and then begin cleaning the glass surface with the S-pattern starting at the upper end and ending down. Once you’ve finished, give it a final wipe to remove the baking soda residue. After that, clean the glass using your glass cleaner of preference. I would recommend vinegar, water, and a microfiber cloth with a flat weave.

Clean a Hairbrush With Baking Soda

The best way to clean a hairbrush – and it’s the same for hairbrushes made from plastic too (if you’re using wood, then we’ll discuss the wood separately)–is to fill the container with two cups of warm water, adding 2 to 3 teaspoons baking soda. I like adding some drops of essential oils from tea trees, but this is not required. Mix the ingredients until they’re blended. Next, I’ll remove all the hair (which isn’t the happiest job, but somebody has to perform it) using something sharp, such as an elliptical pen or a wooden skewer. After all, hair has been taken gone, you’ll see that there’s likely to be some remnants that remain. If the brush is made of plastic, you could put it in the bowl and let it do the work. If it’s some of the pads, I do not like the idea of soaking; I prefer to use a cleansing brush and give it a thorough scrub. Dip the toothbrush in the solution, then scrub the brush. It is essential to clean all residue from the pad, bristles, and side of the meeting. Then, thoroughly rinse and allow it to dry in the air.

Shoe Odors

Indeed, your shoes don’t smell, but this article is primarily to help your friend who has shoes that smell. If they’d like to remove the odor from your shoes, you could use coffee filters, a few pieces of paper towels, or perhaps a bit of an old T-shirt cut into pieces and then dump in a half-cup of baking soda in the middle. Then, you’ll put the sides, securee it using an elastic, and place it into the shoe. It can rest for a day, a couple of days,, a week, a month, or whatever. Throw them in when the shoes aren’t used with baking soda. It will begin to eliminate the odors in the shoe (the slipper, the boot, and so on.). Your friend will be grateful.


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