There aren’t many things I adore as much in cleaning as baking soda. Here are seven of my most-loved baking soda tricks!
There aren’t many items I love as much when it comes to cleaning as baking soda. The fantastic thing is that it’s a steal! If they increase the cost of baking sodas, I’d be willing to pay more because it is so effective and is not just for cleaning your home and personal needs but also for personal hygiene. So, let’s look at my seven favorite baking soda tricks!
Baking Soda as DIY Deodorant
I want to discuss baking soda being used to deodorize your underarms. You may be stunned. You may think it’s disgusting, But I will make you think twice. If you’re not convinced, go out and test it yourself for a week. You’ll be amazed at the way this deal with odors. I’m sure of this since I’ve used it for many years! In addition to saving thousands of dollars and time, it’s incredibly effective that those I’ve spoken to affirm that it lasts as long as 24hrs. What you need to do is to take a small amount, perhaps one-quarter teaspoon. Then I spread it with my hands and lightly pat it under, and you’ll notice a tiny amount fall off; an extra teaspoon of baking soda is never harmful to anyone, and you carry on your daily routine. It’s a matter of seconds to apply. It won’t make the underarms of your shirts yellow, and the most fantastic feature is that it fights smells.
Laundry Booster
Baking soda can be used as a brightener for laundry. What exactly does that mean? It assists in bringing out the vibrant colors of your clothes and can also help to whiten the whites. Throw the quarter cup of baking soda directly into the drum when making loads of whites or other shades and colors. The other aspect it has as an additional benefit is that it aids in deodorizing. If you’ve got the most stinky laundry load put the same amount into it, and it will be apparent that your clothes will be able to come out and smell fresh and clean. It will not smell at all (aside from maybe due to the detergent). However, baking soda will neutralize any smells.
All-Purpose Bathroom Scrub
This is one of my top homemade recipes for cleaning. It’s a scrub for all purposes that I am a fan of in the bathroom. However, it is also a great option in the kitchen or any other place where there’s soap or dirt scum you’d like to eliminate. It replaces what you refer to as a cream or powdered cleanser. This recipe is easy to make:
Mix equal amounts of baking soda and dish soap in the dish soap and baking soda bowl. Make only the amount you require at the moment. This recipe is not a long-term one!
To make it more enjoyable (and valuable), add 5–10 drops of your favorite essential oil (depending on the amount you used in step 1.). When cleaning your bathroom, I would like to include additional mildew and mold-resistant antibacterial punch. That is why I usually make use of tea tree essential oil.
It’s so simple to create and is highly cost-effective. After you’ve set about making it up, apply it with a sponge damp with the S-pattern. You’ll then leave it for a couple of minutes–as we all know, the process of pretreating will do the work for you. Then, when you’re ready to go, turn your sponge over on the scrubby side, scrub it all down. Then give it a good rinse and then dry it. You’ve scrubbed like a pro for just only a few dollars!
Produce Wash
It is possible that when you take a bite of produce, it’s covered in a waxy coat. The most cost-effective and straightforward solution to remove this is picking up your fruit, splashing it with water, then gently massaging the product using baking soda. Then, wash it. Now, if you’re dealing with many things, for instance, making something similar to grapes or berries, you can add a tablespoon of baking powder to a bowl containing water. Add your produce to the bowl, swirl it around with your hands, and attempt to massage each item, then strain it and rinse it. The way you do it, your produce will emerge fresh and clean.
Scalp Scrub
Have you ever thought of trying to improve your hair’s appearance using baking soda? I think I saw this technique about fifteen years ago, in Cosmo or any of the other magazines for girls. Then, I decided, “Let’s see if this really works.” Then I tried it, and I swear I’ve been doing it for years.
If you consider what’s happening in the average hairstyle of the person who wears it–they’re applying products, and your scalp is accumulating dirt, dead skin cells, and dirt. And even though you shampoo the hair and maintain it in general, there is likely to get some buildup in time. This is the reason people enjoy having facials. Think about this as a facial to your scalp. This is what I do I divide one tablespoon of baking soda onto a cloth and then leave it near the shower. When I am ready to shampoo, I take the tissue, put the baking soda in my palm, and stir it with my shampoo. I apply it to my hair and rub it thoroughly. Make sure you use a nice lengthy lather. After you wash it off and get from the bath, your scalp will feel healthier and less oily, dirty, and heavy. It’s just so lovely. If you frequently use products or work in a place where your hair and scalp are a bit more gritty or dirty than usual, I’m sure you’ll be awed by this. One caveat when you dye your hair, you’ll need to consult with your colorist to ensure that baking soda does not alter the color of your hair.
Dishwasher Deodorizer
If you step through your dishwasher’s door only to be confronted with an odor, some things could be going on. In the first place, your filter could require cleaning. Additionally, it could require a bit of deodorization. To make a DIY dishwasher deodorizer, grab one tablespoon of baking soda, sprinkle it on the top of your dishwasher (the dishwasher must be empty), and then let it remain overnight. The next day, you can run it through the most potent cycle (the clean or sanitize cycle, should it has one), and you’ll find that when the load is completed, your dishwasher will smell cleaner!