It’s a drink, but it’s a cleaner…it’s Coca-Cola! It’s no longer just a sugary carbonated drink; its applications are much more extensive, from cleaning rusty stains to tenderizing steaks. When I was young, I learned why drinking Coke was harmful to your health. “It’ll make your teeth rot,” my mom said. “It’s poisonous,” a friend once told me. Let’s look at the Coke cleaning hacks that have surfaced in the last few years.
Explore our fantastic e-book, 50 Homemade Recipes, to find more DIY solutions to all your cleaning requirements!
Driveway Oil Stains
Do oil spills clog your driveway over the many years? Here’s an easy and easy fix that is easy to implement. Put a Coke bottle onto the fall and allow it to soak for a few hours. After several hours, grab the pipe (ideally one with intense pressure) and clean the spilled area. It’s that easy.
Got Skunked?
The smell of skunks is indeed unpleasant and nearly impossible to forget. For those residing in a place with skunk smells as a problem, grab a bottle of Coke and mix Coke into the water in a bucket with soap and water. Simply being there, the cauldron filled with Coke assists. It breaks the smell down and makes it less unpleasant! If you (or most likely your pet) have ever been smacked and need to clean up, here’s a simple suggestion. Do not follow the tomato sauce tips of mama and head to the bathroom instead. Ensure you cover your body (or your dog) entirely from top to bottom in Coke, and thCokeait for several minutes before washing it off. It’s a good thing that cola is an excellent hair treatment. You’ve got two tricks for the cost of one!
Rust Remover
Are your golf clubs beginning to look a bit worn out? Are you thinking of buying a new set? You can save money by putting $1.25 in a Coke tin. Coca-Cola is a fantastic corrosion breaker due to its citric acid. Soak the club in a bottle of Coke for a Cokemum of one day. Take them out and rinse with water to remove any sticky. Apply this method to everything, from pennies to golf clubs. Coke’s properties aid in breaking down rust particles, making them easier to wash.
Stinky Slacks?
Gone fishin’? If your clothes smell and you’re worried about the lingering smell, don’t worry. Take a Coke bottle, and mix it into the wash using your regular detergent! The Coke can aid in breaking down and neutralizing odors, eliminating even the most unpleasant odor causes.
Grout Out
Have you ever spilled Coca-Cola on the floor and realized the cleaning potential? You didn’t know that cola is perfect for cleaning grout lines! If you’re dealing with dirty and dingy grout, Pour a small amount of Coke on the Coke and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then wipe it clean. To remove tough stains, you can use a toothbrush to clean the grout before cleaning the area. Cola can also be used to remove the carpet stains. Place cola on the spot, then allow it to sit for a couple of minutes, then scrub to eliminate the color using the scrub brush. Follow up with soapy water to clean the area after you’ve finished.
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Clothing Stains
If you’ve got clothes with asphalt or creosote stains, then you know how difficult they can be to eliminate. Grease stains are notoriously difficult to get off of clothes, and we are all mindful of the price of stain removers. Therefore, put your ineffective stain removers away and join the crowd for an alternative, less expensive stain remover. Add a can of Coca-Cola into the washing machine with detergent and water like you usually would, and then run through the regular cycle. Allow it to dry when you’re done drying, and wear your clean clothes! This technique efficiently eliminates blood and helps deodorize clothing that smells.
Ready-Set: Connect!
We’ve been there. You’re constantly turning your ignition key, and your car won’t even want to start. It could be an issue with your vehicle’s battery connection. If there’s a lot of corrosion, getting your vehicle to begin can make the process difficult. One solution is to spray a bottle of Coke on the Coke to the battery (when the car is not in use) to eliminate the csloppycorrosion. It may sound easy, but starting your vehicle with a clean connection makes it easier!