7 Rules for a Cleaner Home!

7 Rules for a Cleaner Home!

It’s a challenge to make sense of the jumble of information about cleaning on the internet, so I’ve compiled 12 of my most-loved cleaning guidelines and put the tips into one short article! There’s no need to look through hundreds of articles and videos follow these 12 suggestions, and you’ll soon be getting a clean home!

Make Your Bed Everyday

Preparing your bed each day has a profound impact on how people feel regarding your home and the overall quality of your sleep. Making your bed can be an effective way to complete your day with a task, and it only takes a small period! This allows you to take advantage of the remaining days of your life, be at ease and have a more sane environment. After an exhausting day working, you’ll relax and enjoy the clean and tidy bedroom! There won’t be a feeling of chaos and scatteredness while you move around your room. It’s gorgeous and feels fresh. It also lets you rest better at night and wake up feeling more rejuvenated!

Clutter Free Surfaces

Since beginning Clean My Space, I’ve made a significant change in my lifestyle and use my space because I no longer consider my kitchen counters a storage space anymore. Instead, I’ve only a few particular decorative items that make the space more inviting. We don’t store appliances, lots of decorations, or food items on the counters in our kitchen because it was becoming too overcrowded, and the kitchen was not as efficient. It was always messy and cluttered, but it’s organized and neat nowadays! This is an excellent example of minimalism in general, but the kitchen can be more efficient when there is enough space for work. Try rethinking the items you’ve put on your counter. You’ll see that when you trim down the area, it feels more spacious and cleaner and more practical and enjoyable to work within!

Find the Source

I want to draw the distinction. There’s a vast difference between masking the smell and eliminating the bacteria that cause odor at the source. Masking the smell is applying deodorant; however, eliminating the bacteria is similar to taking a shower. Imagine you decide never to shower again and instead use deodorant throughout the day. This precisely happens when they use air refreshers or fabric fresheners instead.

If you’re taking it out now and then, you’re fine, but if you’re putting it repeatedly in a space with an unpleasant smell that you can’t remove, it’s time for you to clean up. It’s first necessary to identify the source of the scent, whether it’s an upholstery piece, a pair, or a rug that’s been used for a while. It’s usually an area of softness, but it may also be something that has been spilled on a hard surface, such as sour milk in the refrigerator. You must determine the reason for that smell and then clean it up so you don’t get it again!

Tie Multiple Chores Together

While in college, I had a professor who constantly advised us, “Guys, you cannot do two things well at once,” as time passed, I discovered that I agreed with him, particularly in the realm of working and professional. I believe it’s essential to concentrate on one thing at a given time. However, I find it beneficial and efficient to do tiny pieces of cleaning completed while I’m working on other tasks. This means I can break up the chores and accomplish more within a day!

Another great example is when I’m applying facial masks at the restroom, I typically put on the front, allow it to do its work, and then do some cleaning up in the bathroom while waiting. This is a great way to use time, resulting in cleaner surroundings in the final. I also enjoy cleaning the kitchen and wiping things down while waiting for the water to heat up for my cup of tea. If you’re faced with a project that needs to be completed, consider how to increase the amount of work you’re doing and complete other tasks simultaneously!

Clean the Kitchen After Every Meal

The kitchen is considered one of my M.I.A.’s or the most important places, so I make it essential to keep it tidy. If my kitchen looks dirty, it is not a place I want to cook in it, and I’m not willing to eat anything that comes out of it. The goal is to keep the area as tidy as possible, which involves wiping it clean and washing it off after every use.

If it’s just the occasional crumbs that have accumulated on the counter and require a quick wipe using microfiber cloths, or if you’re looking for a full scrub down of kitchen appliances, dishes, pans, or splashes of grease around the oven, I believe it’s essential to keep your kitchen spotless and incredible after each use. When my kitchen is tidy, it makes my home feel clean, and I feel more comfortable working in it and moving about in it. Check out Maker’s Clean Scrub Square Bundle for everything you need in microfiber cloth. They’re great for any area in the home, particularly the kitchen!

Keep It Simple

Most of the needs for cleaning in any home are easily handled using basic cleaning supplies. Naturally, when you head to the aisle for cleaning, you’ll be confused by the countless products available; however, in all likelihood, the only thing you require is the essentials to get the most of the tasks completed in your home.

There are instances where a specific product is required. For example, a blocked drain or a stain that won’t go out requires a particular solution, that’s why you should go to the store and buy this product; however, to clean your home, you only need essential ingredients: dishwashing soap, water, that is warm hydrogen peroxide, baking soda as well as white vinegar. Keep to the essential pantry items, and you’ll be able to make various homemade recipes to meet your cleaning requirements. So you will get the most work done at the smallest cost! Explore more DIY-friendly recipe ideas within the eBook 50 Cleaning Tips You Can D.I.Y.!

Get Everyone Involved

Cleaning is a household or group responsibility. It doesn’t matter if you live with your family or are sharing a room; everyone needs help. It’s all about being accountable, taking charge, and being proud of your environment. The way to do this could be by holding a family or group meeting and stating, “This is where I’m currently. This is my capabilities and what I’m able to do and this is the thing I require assistance with. What do other people are good at and what else can other people take on?” Unless you live alone, keeping your home clean is a communal activity and requires an entire “village” to maintain it going. Therefore, it must be about everyone in your family joining in. If cleaning becomes a collective effort, it will alter how your group or family operates and keep everyone accountable for living in the most efficient and clean space.


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