20 Clever Household Uses for Lemons

20 Clever Household Uses for Lemons

The best source of sourness in nature can do much more than add delicious tartness to your favorite foods. These household solutions are simple to implement.

1. Derust Brass

This is a fact: Brass will tarnish. You don’t have to use a toxic polish to remove tarnished brass. You can simply wipe the brass item with some lemon juice and it will shine like a new penny. Do not attempt this if your thing is brass-plated.

2. Polish Chrome

Even if your water isn’t hard, limescale can build up on sinks and faucets over time. You can restore chrome to its original glory with the help of lemon juice. Your kitchen will never look the same as when you first installed it.

3. Make Outdoor Paint Insect Resistant

When you are outside painting, there is no need to wear a suit for beekeepers. You can create a citrus forcefield simply by adding a few drops of lemon juice to your paint can. Bugs will avoid your painting project because they don’t like the lemony smell.

4. Rejuvenate Paintbrushes

Hot soaks can help brush bristles that are stiff after a marathon. Then boil a few cups of lemon juice. Let the brushes sit in the boiling solution for about 15 minutes. You will have your brushes ready to use for many different painting projects.

5. Despeckle Glass

Painting around the glass is an art. You don’t have to do with the specks if you make an error. For a fresh look, coat the glass in hot lemon juice and let it rest for a while.

6. Polish Wood Furniture

Old tables and cabinets don’t have to look old. You can give old wooden furniture the anti-aging treatment with a simple 2:2 solution of olive oil, lemon juice, and polish. You’ll find 100 new things in the wood world.

7. Get rid of your drains

A little citrus juice can be used to get rid of any gunk that has accumulated in your drain. Mixing two cups of lemon juice with one-half cup of baking soda in hot water will help your pipes move again.

8. Take out blood from clothes

Your favorite clothes can become messy from cuts and scrapes on the job. Grab a few lemons before you throw that clothes in the trash.

9. Get Rid of Stains on Plastic Containers

Plastic containers can look unappetizing due to the colors of leftover sauces or fruits. You can restore the original beauty of your after-dinner companions by filling them with lemon juice and letting them rest for a while.

10. Zest Away Glue

A slice of lemon or a dab will quickly get you out of sticky situations. To release your grip on superglue-covered skin, rub a little lemon juice onto it.

11. Get rid of your burned skin

Lemon juice is a great option when baked-on foods make a mess on your burners. Slice a lemon in half and then rub one half over the stove. Sprinkle some baking soda over the top, and scrub away. You will see the greasy spots disappear quickly.

12. Refresh your Kitchen Sink

You can clean your kitchen’s garbage disposal by adding a few lemon peels. Put fresh lemon peels or lemon wedges in the garbage disposal. Turn on the tap, and the removal will run until it runs clean. You will notice a fresher, lemony smell in your kitchen.

13. Whiten your Whites

Use lemon juice to whiten white cotton linens and clothes. Mix 1/2 cup lemon juice with a gallon of hot water in a bowl. Next, add your linens to this mixture. Allow it to set for several hours or overnight. Then, place your clothes along with the lemony mix in a bucket and add your detergent. You will see whiter clothes without opening a bottle of noxious bleach.

14. Clean a Microwave

Do you need a quicker way to get rid of stubborn gunk in your microwave? Slice a few lemon wedges and place them in a microwave-safe bowl. The mixture should be heated on high for 3 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes. You can remove any food stuck in the microwave by steaming and using grease-fighting lemon extract.

15. Clean a Cutting Board

You can disinfect plastic cutting boards used for cooking meat and fish using a similar method. To kill bacteria, wash the board and rub it with the cut side of a lemon.

16. Start seeds

Lemons have acidic properties that can be beneficial to plants that are acid-loving. The seed can be added to half of the juiced lemon. After it germinates, you can either plant the seed in a container or into the ground.

17. Use an all-purpose cleaner

Vinegar is a great natural cleaner for your home. The vinegar’s effectiveness and freshness are only increased when you add lemon juice to it. You can make your own all-purpose cleaner simply by soaking citrus peels for two weeks in white vinegar. This cleanser can be used to clean any surface.

18. Clean out your trash can

You can’t get rid of the smelly funk in your kitchen trashcan. Use soap and water to clean your trash can. Dry it. Next, sprinkle some baking soda and a few lemon peels in the bottom of your trash can and then place your trash liner inside as usual.

19. Create Pomanders

Pomanders can be an excellent way to add a new scent to your home. Orange pomanders are the most popular, but lemons can also be effective. You can either use a whole lemon or cut it in half. Then add whole cloves to the fruit. The fruit will release its pleasant scent as it dries.

20. Make sure you clean your oven

An exploded potato or a little accident in the oven can be a lasting memory. Sprinkle some salt on the mess to get rid of baked-on gunk. Then scrub the area with the cut end of a lemon. Salt will be abrasive and help break up the gunk. The lemon will cut through the grease. To restore cleanliness, scrub the area with a clean cloth.


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